Creating Online Documents with Google Docs

I have used Google Docs for many years, but I never had the chance to write about it until now.  For those who have not tried the application yet, Google Docs is an online office suite that lets you create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and forms.

Google Docs allows you to collaborate with other Google Docs users in real time. You can upload office suite files such as Microsoft Office and OpenOffice. You can choose to convert these files to Google Docs, or to save them in their original format. Google Docs allows you to download your files in PDF and supports the following file formats: » Read more

Guest Post: Vedic Mathematics – Nikhilam Method of Multiplication Part 2

Sanjay Guilati (author) has been teaching computer and mathematics in Bhilai, state Chattisgarh in India for 15 years. Currently he is a  teacher in a senior secondary school and he is also involved in teacher training.  His online work can be found in Mathematics Academy.

In my previous post (download pdf here)  on multiplication by Nikhilam Method, I described how to multiply two numbers near base , when both are either above base or both are below base. Here we will discuss how to multiply two numbers out of which one is more and other is less than the base.

Example 1

Example 2

Let us now discuss how to multiply two numbers which are not near base (10 ,100 …..) . Product is found by  sub-sutra ‘Anurupyan’ meaning Proportionately. We will choose a proportionate sub-base. » Read more

Carnivals Carnivals Carnivals!

The deadline of submission for the Mathematics and Multimedia Math Carnival #14 is on August 27, 2011. If you have an article about elementary school and high school mathematics, or about mathematics teaching, then you can submit it to carnival submission form.  The August 2011 edition will be posted on August 29, 2011 at  Mathematics, Learning, and Web 2.0.

Encontro de Bonecos Gigantes

If you love reading about mathematics or mathematics teaching, then the Math Carnivals are for you. Here are the most recent Mathematics Carnivals you might want to visit.

To submit your articles to the other two carnivals, use the submission forms below.
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