Complex Numbers and their Properties

Imaginary numbers as we have discussed in Tuesday’s post are numbers of the form bi where b is a real number and i = \sqrt{-1}. The term imaginary as (opposed to real) was first used by Rene Descartes, the mathematician who invented Coordinate Geometry — the Cartesian plane in particular.  Leonhard Euler was the one who introduced the symbol i for \sqrt{-1}.

leonard euler

Leonhard Euler

Gerolamo Cardano, a pioneer in probability, was the one who suggested the   use of numbers of the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i = \sqrt{-1}.  Numbers of this form were named complex numbers by Carl Frederich Gauss.The real part of a + bi is a and the imaginary part is bi. » Read more

New header, Carnival 20, and more

A blessed morning  to everyone. I have not created a math or multimedia post for today, but here are a few announcements:

That’s all for today. Happy weekend!

Organize your RSS Feeds with Feedly

If you read a lot of sites and blogs, and you subscribe to RSS feeds, you may want to organize your feeds with  Feedly. It is a website that creates a magazine-like start page for all RSS feeds.  It allows users to import feeds from Google Reader and categorize them.

Feedly is available as an Android app,  iPad app, and Google Chrome web app.  It is also available as a Safari and Firefox extensions.  In addition, Feedly can be integrated with Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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