Why is negative times negative equals positive?

We have learned that the product of a positive number and a negative number is negative. How about the product of two negative numbers? How do we know that it is positive? Below are some illustrations and proof that show why is the product of two numbers positive.

Reason 1 – Pattern

Let us consider the pattern below.

3 \times - 4 = -12

2 \times - 4 = -8

1 \times -4 = -4

0 \times -4 = 0

-1 \times - 4 = ?

From the patterns, it should be 4.

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Math and Multimedia Blog Carnival 22 is live

To begin the blog carnival we will as is the tradition look at some properties of the number 22, additionally we can look at some sites which provide information on number properties.

blog carnival

A good place to start is the NumberADay blog from the Mathematical Association of America. Every working day, they post a number and offer a selection of that number’s properties. » Read more

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