TED Video Lecture: The Mathematics of Love

Mathematics has evolved so much that is found everywhere, even in love. In this talk, mathematician Hannah Fry shows patterns in how we look for that special, and gives three tips on how do we find the love of our life.

Although I have some questions (like how do you know how you past 37%  of the number of women you date), most part of  the talk was very interesting. For instance, being good looking in a dating website does not really imply being popular.

Watch the video and be amazed of how mathematics can be used to interpret behavior in finding love and handling relationship.

I hope this video will help the people out there who are still looking for the love of their life. 😉


How to Create Math Expressions in Google Forms

Many of us use Google Forms to make surveys, but did you know that you can insert equations in Google Forms?  Google Forms now support latex which means that you can insert any complex equation you want. In the example below, we will use Google Form to create a math quiz with algebraic expressions/equation.

How to Create Math Expressions Using Google Forms

1.) Go to Google Forms.

2.) Type the Title and Description of your quiz.

3.) Select the question type. Note that you can select from various types of questions: text, paragraph text, multiple choice, check boxes, etc. » Read more

CK-12 Lessons and Videos for Elementary School Math

If you are familiar with the CK-12 Foundation, then you are probably familiar with the free resources that they are offering in science, mathematics, and other subjects. Most of these resources are in Grade 6-12, but recently, they have starting adding materials in lower grades (see Elementary School Mathematics).   Included in the resources are videos that tackles mathematical concepts. For example, the video on Using Cubes and Creating Place Value Diagrams  introduces the concept of place value using cubes that are grouped into hundreds, tens, and ones. After the video, the students can answer questions in the assessment section. One sample question about the lesson above is shown below.


via CK-12 Foundation


CK-12 Foundation offers K-12 resources for FREE in Mathematics, Science, English, History, Astronomy, Engineering, and SAT Preparation.

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