Introduction to the DaMath Board Game Part 2

In the first part of this series, we have learned the basics of playing DaMath. We have learned the initial position of pieces on the board, how to move the pieces, how to capture the opponent’s piece, and how to score exchanges. In this post, we are going to learn how to capture multiple pieces.

In DaMath, it is possible to capture multiple pieces. For example, in Figure 1, the Red Player placed 8 on (4,5). Now, the Blue Player is required to capture 8 using 4.

Figure 1 – Blue Player’s 4 capturing Red Player’s 8

After capturing 8, it is now the Red Player’s turn to capture the Blue Player’s pieces as shown in Figure 2. Although capturing a piece is mandatory, capturing multiple pieces is optional. As shown, the Red Player is required to capture 4 using -5. However, he has also the option to capture -1 or 8. Note that capturing multiple pieces is considered as one move. Here are the possible cases. » Read more

8 Gift Ideas for Math Enthusiasts, Math Teachers, and Mathematicians

It’s almost Christmas, and again, it’s a time of giving and of making our friends and happy. But do you have any ideas what to buy for friends who are math teachers, mathematicians, and enthusiasts? Below are 8 gift ideas.

1.) Coffee Mug

Many math teachers and math enthusiasts love to drink coffee. Paul Erdos once said that  a mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems. This mug will be perfect.

2.) Abacus Keychain

Calculations can be done using calculators. Or, using an abacus.  » Read more