How to Multiply Using Lines and Dots

One of the great things about mathematics is that sometimes, you find mathematical concepts in places that you don’t expect them to be. There are also concepts or representations that seem not connected to mathematics, but you will realize that it is indeed mathematics.

In the video below, observe how to multiply using lines and their intersections.

Don’t just watch  the video for the sake of entertainment. I encourage you to think about it.

Why does the method work?

Can you think of other concepts that is similar to the intersection of lines?

Is there a similar representation or idea that is also connected to this representation?

In the next post, we will try to answer the questions above, so keep posted.

Hans Rosling: Stats That Reshape Your World View

More than three years, ago I have introduced to you an amazing software called Gapminder which enables users to visualize trends through animated bubble charts. The software has a preloaded data about countries all over the world and it lets the user chose what to put on the horizontal and vertical axes. The users can then choose the start time and end time of the data and watch the bubbles move with respect to the time slider.

Well, I don’t think I need to explain more. Watch Professor Hans Rosling, co-founder of Gapminder Foundation use Gapminder and be amazed about how statistics can explain what is happening in our world.  » Read more

Bach’s Music on a Moebius Strip

If you are fond of classical music, then you have probably heard of Johann Sebastian Bach. He was one of the great composers of the Baroque period. His music was known for its intellectual depth, technical command, and artistic beauty (I copied the last sentence from Wikipedia, lol).

But what will surprise you more is how his music is tied to mathematics. Watch the video below of how playing the music backwards and forwards simultaneously can be visualized using a Moebius Strip.

H/T: Open Culture

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