Geometer’s Sketchpad Essentials 5 – Basic Graphing

This is the fifth part of the Geometer’s Sketchpad Essentials Series.  In this post, we are going to learn how graph using Geometer’s Sketchpad. We are going to plot the function f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = x + 1, change their properties such as colors, and thickness, and plot their intersections.

The output of our tutorial is shown above. To construct the graph, follow the step by step  instructions below.  » Read more

Geometer’s Sketchpad Essentials 4 – The SSS Triangle Congruence

This is the fourth part of the Geometer’s Sketchpad Essentials Series. In this tutorial, we are going to construct another triangle which is congruent to a given triangle using the concept of the SSS triangle congruence.  Recall that the SSS congruence theorem tells us that two triangles are congruent, if their corresponding sides are congruent. In doing the construction, we are going to learn how to use the Ray tool, the Circle tool, and other commands.

1.) Construct triangle ABC.

2.) Next, we construct ray DE.  To do this, click the Straightedge tool box and hold the mouse button to display the other tools. Now, choose the Ray tool.

3.) Click two distinct points on the sketch pad and display the names of the two points. Your sketch should look like the first figure.

4.) Next, we will construct a segment DF which is congruent to AC. To do this, be sure to deselect all the objects by clicking on the vacant part of the sketch pad. Select point D, then select segment AC (do not select the points!), click the Construct menu, and then click Circle By Center+Radius. This will produce a circle with center D and radius equal to the length of AC. » Read more

Geometer’s Sketchpad Essentials 3 – Constructing an Incircle

This is the third part of the Geometer’s Sketchpad Essentials Series. In this tutorial, we are going to construct the incircle of a triangle. In doing so, we are going to learn how to use the Compass tool and construct Angle bisectors.

Step by Step Instructions

1.) Using the Segment tool, construct a triangle.

2.) Select the Text tool and click each vertex to reveal their names. GSP will name the triangle ABC.

3.) To construct the angle bisector of angle A, deselect all the objects, and then click the vertices in the following order: B, A, C (or C, A, B).

4.) Next, click the Construct menu from the menu bar and choose Angle Bisector. This will produce a ray bisecting angle ANow, construct the the angle bisector for angle B.

5.) To intersect the two rays, deselect all the objects, click the two rays, and choose Intersection from the Construct menu. The intersection of the two rays will be the center of our circle.  » Read more

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