Popularizing Lesson Study

The reason that I was away for two days was that I observed the lesson implementation in Nueva Ecija High School (NEHS). It was part of lesson study, one of the components of the 2-year project of our institute and NEHS.

Lesson study is a professional development program for teachers that originated in Japan.  In lesson study teachers collaborate with one another in developing and implementing a lesson. If you have not heard about this type of professional development program, it is now gaining popularity worldwide and is already practiced by elementary school and high school teachers in many countries.

The process in lesson comprises of the following steps:

  1. Defining a teaching problem based upon student needs
  2. Lesson Study planning, with the student and the teacher as the focus
  3. Focusing the lesson on student thinking, learning, and misconception
  4. Evaluating the lesson’s impact on student learning and reflecting on its effect
  5. Revising the lesson based upon the data collected
  6. Teaching the revised lesson to a new class of students
  7. Evaluating and reflecting
  8. Sharing the results.

The lesson developed in lesson study is called ‘research lesson.’ » Read more

Keeping Mathematics Simple

If you are a mathematics teacher, the Keeping Mathematics Simple is a highly recommended read. The principle of Keeping Mathematics Simple:

This blog is not about making math easy because it isn’t. It is about making it make sense because it does.

Erlina Ronda, the author of the blog, has excellent ideas in mathematics teaching and pedagogy. It has also has some articles of our version of Lesson Study here in the Philippines.

Erlina's Lesson Study Group

Here is a full description of Erlina Ronda’s blog:

This blog is my contribution to narrowing the gap between theory and practice in mathematics teaching and learning. It contains teaching tips based on current reforms in mathematics education and teaching such as teaching mathematics through problem solving (TtPS), developing higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and mathematical habits of mind, variation theory, constructivist teaching, scaffolding learning, etc.

I believe that K-12 mathematics is about developing students’ mathematical thinking and communication capacities first, and, knowing mathematics next. Experience and education have also taught me that mathematical thinking, communicating mathematically, and mathematics are best learned in the context of solving problems and doing mathematical investigations.

I love to develop mathematical tasks and activities that involve basic mathematics concepts but has the potential to engage both teachers and  students in higher level thinking. I am particularly interested in students’ learning trajectory for specific content topic.

My work includes doing research in mathematics teaching, writing curriculum materials and facilitating professional development programs for mathematics teachers. I taught mathematics for 8 years before my current work.

Keeping Math Simple is one of the partner blogs of Mathematics and Multimedia. It will host the Math and Multimedia blog carnival Special Edition on January 2011, an edition that will focus on teaching algebra concepts.

Carnival Reminder:

  • To view the previous Math and Multimedia carnivals, click here and here.
  • To submit an entry for the September carnival, click here.
  • To know what a blog carnival is click here.
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