Introduction to the Wolfram Education Portal

Last year, I posted about Wolfram Alpha and the amazing computational document format developed by Wolfram Research.  Recently, Wolfram Research has opened the Wolfram Education Portal, a site dedicated for storing and sharing dynamic teaching and learning materials.  The portal contains free to use electronic textbooks in computational document format,  lesson plans, widgets, and interactive Demonstrations.  According to the website, a practice page with problem generators is currently being developed and will be online soon.

The website has several free sample teaching and learning materials but requires sign-up for full access.

The Wolfram Education Portal is currently in Beta, so I am not sure if the materials on the website will still be for free in the future.

1000+ Free Downloadable Mathematica Demonstrations

One of the most useful websites I came across lately was the Wolfram Demonstrations Project.  The website contains a vast collection of Mathematica interactive worksheets called demonstrations. The demonstrations ranges from elementary science and mathematics up to graduate science and mathematics.

Below are links of compressed Mathematica demonstrations downloads.  Some of the files fall under more than one category, so there are duplicate files.

You will need Winace to extract the compressed files, and you will need the Mathematica Player to view the demonstrations.

If you are interested in Mathematica, Matthias Greiff has a collection of links here.