Editing of Old Articles
Mathematics and Multimedia has been silent for the past four months because I am busy, but I have silently edited old articles. I will continue editing and one of the improvements that I am planning is to integrate GeoGebra applets in some of the articles since GeoGebra can now be directly embedded in WordPress posts. As many of you already know, I have numerous tutorials on how to use GeoGebra. In addition, I am also updating the tutorials using the current version of GeoGebra. There are many new developments particularly the integration of augmented reality.
I started this blog 9 years ago and, so far, I have written more than 1000 articles. Many of them are on using GeoGebra and many also contains discussion about mathematics content from elementary school to university mathematics. Numerous times, I have also introduced apps that can be used for teaching and learning mathematics. The complete list of all the posts can be found in the Archives page.
Starting today, I will be sharing more about mathematics teaching and mathematics ago. I had been hesitant to share my thoughts about them because I felt that I was not qualified to do so. Recently, I have realized that maybe, there are a few things that I can share from more than one and a half decades of teaching and training. Hopefully, this blog will be of help to younger teachers or at the very least a trigger for reflection and discussion.