Understanding Decreasing and Increasing Functions

In this post, we are going to discuss the meaning of increasing and decreasing functions.  Consider the graph of the function f shown below. If we trace the graph with the mouse pointer, we would be able to observe that the trace is moving upward from a to b, moving downward from b to c, and moving upward again from c to d.

Increasing and Decreasing Functions

In mathematics, we say that the function is increasing from a to b, decreasing from b to c, and increasing again from c to d. Now, let us elaborate what do we mean by increasing functions.

Suppose a function f is strictly increasing (increasing everywhere).

  • As x increases (as we move to the right), y also increases (we also move up)
  • If we take any two points with coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2,y2)  and x2 is to the right of x1, then yis above y1.
  • If we take any two points with coordinates (x1y1) and (x2,y2), and x2 > x1, then f(x2f(x1).

Notice that if we replace the words in orange texts above with their opposite, we will have descriptions of decreasing functions. Can you see why?

Increasing Functions

The function f(x) = ex is an example of a function that is strictly increasing. This means that we can take two points anywhere on the graph, and the four descriptions above hold. As an exercise, give an example of a function that decreases all through out. 

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