The Love of Learning

I want to introduce a new partner blog, the Love of Learning blog.The Love of Learning Blog, by Kristi Grande, is written for Middle School Math teachers.  This blog explores teaching strategies, activities, and technology applications for Middle School Math teachers.  The teaching strategies and activities in the Love of Learning Blog reflect current research, best practices, and brain-based learning principles.

The Love of Learning Blog will host the May 2011 edition of the Mathematics and Multimedia Carnival. Click here to submit your articles to the carnival.

Experimental and Theoretical Probability Part I

This the first part of the series of posts on Experimental and Theoretical Probability.


If two standard cubical dice are rolled, one red and one blue, the possible sums ranges from 2 = (1+1) and 12 = (6+6).

Now,  are the chances of getting these 11 sums equal?  For example, is the chance of getting a sum of 2 similar to the chance of getting a sum of 5?

Let us try to roll the two dice 1000 times.  Of course, we will not do this manually.  » Read more

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