December 2011 Week 2 List of Posts

Mathematics and Multimedia

GeoGebra Applet Central

School of Freebies

Updated GeoGebra Tutorials (now compatible with GeoGebra 4.0)

Carnival of Mathematics 84

Welcome to the 84th edition of the Carnival of Mathematics.  The 83rd edition was posted at Teaching Beside Me.

We have a few entries for this edition.  Some were submitted via email and some came from my subscriptions. Here are the entries for this edition.

For the Adventurous Travelers

Katie Erika tours us around the world of Most Mathematically Interesting Buidlings at Tripbase.

Ivars Peterson takes  us to Geometreks in Boston posted at Mathematical Tourist.

Adventurous you say? The Physicist has an intuitive and superb explanation  on “How wormholes can be used for time travel?” posted at Ask a Mathematician.

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Link Post: What is Universal Design in Learning?

This is a perfectly good knob to use. Grab it, turn it, pull (or push), and the door swings open. So it meets your needs. Or does it? Does it meet ALL your needs, your universal set of needs, needs that arise in different situations, different contexts?

Well, suppose you are rushing down the corridor in your office building, with a cup of coffee in one hand, the other clutching a folder or file. You are late. You run up to the door and see the same round knob as above. Can you open the door with it when both your hands are “occupied”? Continue reading…

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