Math and Other Multimedia Materials at HippoCampus
From time to time, I receive emails from site owners asking me if I can write something about their website. If I find the website useful and free of charge for users, I usually write about them also for free.
My most recent email was from, a multimedia resource site for teachers and students. HippoCampus is a project of the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE) that produces multimedia materials. According to its website, its goal is to provide high-quality, multimedia content on general education subjects to high school and college students free of charge.
HippoCampus allows users to register for free. I registered an account and explored their website. The site contains collections of videos on the following mathematics topics: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Advanced Math, Statistics, and Probability. It also contains multimedia materials in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. The site includes collections from Khan Academy, NOAA, and the University of Colorado’s PhET science and math interactive simulations.
Registered users can watch the videos, launch a course, or browse the interactive Flash textbooks.
All in all, I think HippoCampus is a great resource site both for teachers and students. It is certainly worth a visit.