The Geometry of the Least Common Denominator

In mathematics, in putting together things, we must have a commonality; we must add objects that belong to the same set. We add 2 apples and 4 apples to get 6 apples. We do not add apples and oranges and come up with a single- kind-of-fruit-sum.


This is also true with numbers and measurements: we add, subtract, multiply or divide numbers that belong to the same set or measures with the same unit. We do not add binary numbers to decimal numbers and get a result without conversion.  We must either convert binary numbers to decimal, or vice versa and then perform addition or any other operations. Also, in finding the area of a rectangle with length 10 inches and width 5 centimeters, the answer must either be in square inches or in square centimeters. » Read more

Guest Post: 10 Simple Ways to Teach Kids Math in the Kitchen

Little learning opportunities for some extra education can be found everywhere for parents and children alike. If you’re trying to teach your preschooler some basic math functions, or helping your young mathematician sharpen her skills, you may need look no further than your own kitchen for a potential classroom.

Easter Egg Fun

Here are ten simple ways you can teach your kids math in the kitchen: » Read more

Multiplication of Fractions

Before algebra was invented, mathematicians in the early times represent mathematical expressions, equations, and proofs geometrically and verbally. In this post, we do the same: we explore a geometric representation of multiplication of fractions. I am not sure though if this strategy was used before.

We have discussed that the area of a rectangle is the product of its base and its height. A rectangle with base 5 units and height 3 units has area 15 square units.

This  method can be extended to fractions. For example, how do we represent the multiplication of \frac{2}{3} and \frac {3}{5}? » Read more

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