Arthur Benjamin: A Performance of Mathemagic

You think you’re good in mental calculations? Watch Arthur Benjamin, one of the most amazing mental calculators of our time. Mr. Benjamin can square up to 4-digit number faster than a calculator. He can also square up to 5-digit numbers mentally. In addition, he can also determine mentally the day of the week that you are born.

Watch the 15-minute video of Mr. Benjamin the TED Talk titled Benjamin: A performance of Mathemagic.

Benjamin is the co-author of Secrets of Mental Math which is about the secret of rapid mental calculations. He is also the author of Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof .


6 Prodigies in Mental Math Calculation Who Stunned the World

If you are wondering if there are people who can preform mental math calculation faster than a computer (well, not really the computers today of course), you will not be disappointed.  

Mental Math Calculator

Below are some of the known mental  math calculators in the past 200 years.

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