15 Math Pickup Lines to Try This Valentine’s Day

Do you have a date this Valentine’s day? Is your date a math major, math nerd, or mathematician? If yes is your answer to these questions, you might want to try the pick up lines below. This will probably make her laugh. 😀

couple on seine

A word of warning though: If your date didn’t laugh when you tried one, that could be your last date with her. Happy Valentines! Enjoy! » Read more

Largest Prime Number Yet, Discovered

Even though every mathematician knows that there is no largest prime number, (for any prime number, a larger prime number exists), that did not stop some from searching for the largest prime number.

Marin Mersenne

Marin Mersenne

On January 25, 2013, Dr. Curtis Cooper of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS), a professor at the University of Central Missouri, discovered the 48th Mersenne prime which is equal to 2^{57,885,161} - 1 a number which is about 17 million digits. This the 14th score of GIMPS in  discovering the largest prime number yet.  It took 39 days of non-stop computing for the primality proof and it was verified by different software and hardware. Dr. Cooper won $3000 for the discovery. » Read more

iPad App for Students: Ace Multiply

Ace Multiply is another good iPad app for elementary and middle school students for practicing multiplication. This iPad app has three games: Multiplier, Grid Play, and Game Blitz.

Ace Multiply

The Flip Multiplier game allows players to answer a multiplication question (range:  0 – 12). The player can touch the tile pieces to reveal the answers.

In Grid Play, the player solve the grid by dragging the tile containing the right answer to the times table before time runs out. The difficulty gets harder and less time is given as the level becomes higher.

In Game Blitz, the player must solve a random grid as quickly as possible.   The ranking is based the best time.

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