Math Trick 3: The Answer is Always 1089

This is the third part of the Math and Multimedia Math Trick Series.  The first two tricks are multiplying by 11 and squaring numbers ending in 5.

As I have promised, I will teach you more math tricks that will impress your friends. The most exciting part, however, is not actually the trick but why the trick works. In this post, we are going to learn math trick which we will call magic 1089, a trick I learned at

The 1089 Math Trick

Step 1: Think of a 3-digit number where its digits are decreasing.

Step 2: Reverse the order of the digits.

Step 3: Subtract the number in step 2 from the number in step 1.

Step 4: Reverse the order of the difference in step 3.

Step 5: Add the numbers in step 3 and step 4.

The result is 1089.  » Read more

6 Prodigies in Mental Math Calculation Who Stunned the World

If you are wondering if there are people who can preform mental math calculation faster than a computer (well, not really the computers today of course), you will not be disappointed.  

Mental Math Calculator

Below are some of the known mental  math calculators in the past 200 years.

» Read more

A Short Math Prayer for Everyone

I got this math prayer from a class I observed last year. Here in our country, it is customary to start class with a prayer. Here are some of the prayers that I’ve collected.

Dear God,

May we, through your blessings,

add purity to the world,

subtract evil from our lives,

multiply Your good news,

and divide Your gifts and share them with others.


I suppose that students are really prayerful especially before a math exam.  I can speak from experience. I always pray before taking a math exam when I was still a student.

Prayer 2

Almighty God
We pray to You
To have our joys added
Sorrows subtracted
Friends multiplied
Love divided
And problems be solved


Prayer 3

We thank you a hundredfold for the love and care that you have given us. May we return to you your good works by multiplying it with love and respect, adding more faith, subtracting worldly behavior and evil works, and dividing your given talents to others, so we can sum them all and be united as one in your family. In this we pray, Amen.

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