Keeping Math Simple’s new URL

Keeping Math Simple has changed its name to Mathematics for Teaching. It has also changed its URL (now at  The author of the blog, Erlina Ronda,  is a fellow Filipino.  Written below is her blog description.

This blog is my contribution to narrowing the gap between theory and practice in mathematics teaching and learning. It contains teaching tips based on current reforms in mathematics education and teaching such as teaching mathematics through problem solving (TtPS), developing higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and mathematical habits of mind, variation theory, constructivist teaching, scaffolding learning, etc.

I believe that K-12 mathematics is about developing students’ mathematical thinking and communication capacities first, and, knowing mathematics next. Experience and education have also taught me that mathematical thinking, communicating mathematically, and mathematics are best learned in the context of solving problems and doing mathematical investigations.

I love to develop mathematical tasks and activities that involve basic mathematics concepts but has the potential to engage both teachers and  students in higher level thinking. I am particularly interested in students’ learning trajectory for specific content topic.

My work includes doing research in mathematics teaching, writing curriculum materials and facilitating professional development programs for mathematics teachers. I taught mathematics for 8 years before my current work.

I recommend her blog because of her innovative ideas in teaching middle school and high school mathematics.

GeoGebra Institute of Metro Manila established

I am happy to announce that our application to establish the GeoGebra Institute of Metro Manila (GIMM), Philippines has been approved last September 27, 2010.  I, together with Erlina Ronda of Keeping Mathematics Simple, will lead the institute.

The aim of  GIMM is to provide training and workshops to Filipino mathematics teachers on how to use GeoGebra, develop curriculum materials that integrates GeoGebra in teaching school mathematics, collaborate with teachers in integrating GeoGebra in the classroom, and perform research on the effects of GeoGebra in the teaching and learning of school mathematics.

GIMM is the first GeoGebra Institute in the Philippines and the third in Southeast Asia.  All Filipino GeoGebra users are encouraged to join the institute. If you are interested to join, contact me at