Man and Woman Funny Math

I got this from Facebook and I think this is one of the mathematics that will make us relax a bit and put some grin on our faces. NO OFFENSE meant.

Handsome Man + Ugly Woman = She’s rich.

Ugly Man + Pretty Woman = He’s rich.

Handsome Man + Pretty Woman = Gonna break up soon.

Ugly Man + Ugly Woman = Gonna have a ‘beautiful’ son.

Ugly Man + Ugly Man = Friends

Handsome Man + Handsome Man = Gays

Ugly Woman + Pretty Woman = Friends

Ugly Woman + Ugly Woman = Gays

Ugly Man + Handsome Man = Friends

Pretty Woman + Pretty Woman = Enemies

A Mathy Christmas to all!


11 Mathematical Proof Techniques Liberal Arts Majors Should Know

Mathematical proof is the heart of mathematics.  It is what differentiates mathematics from other sciences.  In mathematical proofs, we can show that a statement is true for all possible cases without showing all the cases. We can be certain that the sum of two even numbers is  even without adding all the possible pairs.

 mathematical proof

For the liberal arts majors, the proofs below will be of great help to you, but I think the math majors are going to appreciate them more. » Read more

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