How to Calculate Using Japanese Abacus Part 2

In October last year, I have introduced how to represent numbers using the Japanese abacus. In this post, I am going to teach you how to add and subtract using the abacus. If you are not familiar on how to represent numbers using the abacus, please read the first part of this series by clicking the preceding link.

Note that although abacus is not needed in the calculations below since it can be done mentally, calculations done in abacus in real life involve large numbers or even those with decimals. The examples below will only give you an overview of how calculations are made and some of the strategies used.  » Read more

A Short Tutorial on How to Use An Abacus

Before computers, there were abaci (plural of abacus). They were used as a calculation tool for hundreds of years. They were popular to the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.


However, history tells us that there were way earlier versions of the modern abaci we know. According to Wikipedia, they existed in Sumeria as early as 2700 BC. » Read more