Introduction to Age Problems in School Mathematics

Age Problems is the second part of the Math Word Problem Solving Series here in Mathematics and Multimedia. In this series, we are going to learn how to solve math word problems involving age.

Age problems are very similar to number word problems. They are easy to solve when you know how to set up the correct equations. Most of the time, this type of problem discusses the age of a certain individual in relation to another in the past, present, or future.

Below, are some of the common phrases used in age problems. In all the phrases, we let x be the age of Hannah now.

  • Hannah’s age four years from now (x + 4)
  • Hannah’s age three years ago (x – 3)
  • Karen is twice as old as Anna (Karen’s age: 2x)
  • Karen is thrice as old as Anna four years ago (Karen’s age: 2(x-4))

In solving age problems, creating a table is always helpful. This is one of the strategies that I am going to discuss in this series. As a start, we discuss one sample problem. » Read more

Introduction to Math Word Problem Solving

As I have mentioned in the previous post, I will be starting a Math Word Problem Solving Series for elementary school and high school students. If you can recall, I have already started this series before, but it was discontinued for a while.

In this series, we are going to learn some of the basics of solving word problems and learn some strategies and tricks to make problem solving easier. This series will include tutorials on how to solve number problems, age problems, number digit problems, distance-rate-time problems, base-rate-percentage problems, mixture problems, etc.

Problem solving ability is developed over time. If you want to be good at it, then you have to practice solving a lot of problems. Reading this series will probably help you a little, but solving the problems yourself will make you a better problem solver. » Read more