PEMDAS and the Common Errors in the Order of Operations

PEMDAS is the acronym for the order of operations. P stands for parentheses, E for exponent, and MDAS for Mulitplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction respectively.


This means we want to evaluate a numerical expression such as

5(6 + 3)^2 - 8

we have to ‘operate’ to the order of PEMDAS. The operation is as follows. » Read more

Order of Operations: 360 or 354?

Last Saturday, I received  Facebook message from a student asking help to simplify [5(4)^3 + 6(11-4)] - 36 / 9 (2).  He got 354 but his teacher’s answer was 360.


Although the problem above seems simple, a lot of students get confused by it, and in this case, even the teacher too. The expression above simplifies to » Read more