Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival #2

Hook, Line and Linker

Welcome to the second edition of the Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival.

One of the new developments is that I am giving a title to each edition of the carnival. The title of second edition: Hook, Line and Linker . As you read, you would know why I have chosen the title.

The Number 2

Before our reading spree, let us first know what is so imporant about the number 2:

is the first positive even number and the only prime number that is even.

is equal to (1+i)(1-i).

is very special because 2×2 = 4 and 2+2 = 4. Can you find other numbers with similar property?

Fermat’s Last theorem: the equation xn + yn = zn has no integral solutions when n is greater than 2.

Goldbach’s Conjecture: Every even number greater than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers.

And the killer trivia: It takes 2 to tango (grins).

Mathematics Entries

Content Mathematics

First, let’s have some useful basic math.

Who says conditional probability is hard? JamesPollock explains it like one plus one in his post Problem Children in A mathematicians guide to… Believe me, this guy is one heck of a writer.

American? Planning to retire? You may want to take a peek at Jin Li‘s article on How to Find Out if Your Money is Ready for Retirement on and do the math.

David Pilarski or Mr. Pi slices and scrutinizes the ‘variable pie’ in Modeling Relationships with Variables posted at  Algebra and Geometry, his personal blog.

Pat Ballew elucidates the notion of standard deviation by linking it to the concept of distance in his article Standard Deviations as Distance posted at Pat’s Blog. His core idea: consider the lineas the average of a data set and the points not on the line as deviations.

And some serious math.

John D. Cook presents Sine approximation for small angles using Taylor series posted at The Endeavour.

Murray Bourne has a very clear explanation about the concept of Riemann sums posted at squareCircleZ.

A very shy blogger who want to hide his identity to the pseudonym f241vc15 shares basic math in his article Gather round kids, it’s time for math.  Uhm, the kids he was calling had to be very exceptional since he was talking about the basics of four dimensions.

Mathematics Teaching

Erlina Ronda, or Linesas she would like to call herself, explains the difference among exercises, problem solving and mathl investigations in Keeping Math Simple. Line’s blog is a rare find about mathematics teaching and pedagogy.  And she is also also a Filipino.

Take a break and be puzzled by watching Peter Rowletts presentation of his puzzles stall. The snowflakes puzzle is very cute and very enticing, I was hooked staring at it.

Multimedia Entries

Mimi Yang plays with here New Toy, a GeoGebra applet she uses  to visualize and motivate problem solving skills in her class. She linked two rotating points on two different circles in her blog I Hope This Old Train Breaks Down. Check out her GeoGebra applet here.

Another GeoGebra fan: Mr. Ho of Mathing highlights the connection between radian measure of the central angle subtended by an arc, the arc length, and radius in his blog Unit Circle in GeoGebra .

Get hookedas you explore Sharon’s article on the Top 50 Ipad application for elearning.

Caroline Mukisa‘s realizations and tips about using Twitter in her blog How to Use Twitter to Find Great Maths Resources and Ideas in Maths Insider. She has some suggestions on how to use Twitter’s hash tags.

Sol Ledermanshares the treasure stash of math tutorial videos developed by Khan Academy: more than 1400 free math video lectures and counting posted at Wild About Math!

Cindy presents two Itouch/Iphone number line applications in her blog Snappy Ed App Saturday in her blog love2learn2day.

If you don’t know what is Wolfram Alpha, then may it’s time for you read the 10 Fun Questions Kids can answer with Wolfram Alpha in their official blog site.


Thank you for reading. That concludes this  blog carnival edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Mathematics and Multimedia blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

The September Carnival will still be posted here. The October Carnival will posted at Wild About Math!

Do not also forget to submit your articles to the following carnivals:

Please do not duplicate submissions.

Please Help Promote the Carnival

Math and Multimedia Carnival is a baby carnival, so to bloggers whose article was accepted, it would be very much appreciated if you announce/promote the Math and Multimedia Carnival in your blogs. 🙂


Photo Credits: Carnaval Hammarkulin 2006 by danuquiTwo of Arts by qthomasbower, This kid by Hryck, Riemann Sum Convergence by KSmrq, Number Too by Jonboy MitchellYellow Green Grosbeak by tibchris, Day 2 by Mykl Roventine.

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