8 Free Tools for Teachers from Microsoft

Microsoft has been doing its share recently in the free software category. Here are some of its free products and add-ons that maybe useful for teachers. 
  1. Interactive Classroom – lets teachers insert polling questions into PowerPoint presentations
  2. Microsoft Mathematics – a graphing calculator that plots in 2D and 3D, step-by-step equation solving, and useful tools to help students with math and science studies.
  3. Mouse Mischief –   a PowerPoint add-on that enables teachers to create and insert questions, polls, and drawing activity slides into PowerPoint lessons.
  4. Movie Maker (Windows Live) – creates movies and slide shows from photos and videos.
  5. Photostory – turns photos into digital slide shows.
  6. PhotoSynth – generates a three dimensional model of digital photos and a point cloud of a photographed object.
  7. Worldwide Telescope – enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope, bringing together imagery from the best ground and space-based telescopes in the world.
  8. SkyDrive – stores and shares files, and photos up to 5GB.

Would you have made it into Harvard in 1869?

If you think your tough in math and can pass the 1869 Harvard math exam, don’t rejoice so much because there are other subjects as well.

Click the picture to view full exam

Other subjects included are History and Geography, Latin Grammar, English to Latin Translation, Greek Grammar with accents, and Greek Composition :-D.

Surprisingly, according to the original article, 185 out of 210 examinees passed the exam.

Winmat Tutorial 1 – Adding, subtracting, and multiplying matrices

In the Free mathematics software list post, I have introduced to you WinMat, one of the math software developed by Philip Exeter University. Winmat (Windows) is a free software that allows users to edit and calculate integer, real, and complex matrices. It can also be used as a tool for solving standard linear algebra problems.

In this post, we are going to perform basic matrix operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication). The steps are as follows.

1.)    Open the Winmat Software. In the Menu bar, click the Matrix menu, and then click New… option.

2.)    In the new matrix dialog box (Figure 1 left), type the size as 3 x 3, choose M as matrix name, and then click the create button. This will produce a 3 by 3 matrix window as shown below (Figure 1 right).

3.)    Next, to reduce the size of the matrix, we change the decimal places to 0, and change the field size to 3. To do this, in the matrix M window, click the Edit button and then click the Format menu. This will display the format dialog box. » Read more

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