Google Reader to Shut Down, What are the Alternatives?

The Official Google Blog has announced that it will be retiring Google Reader on July 1, 2013. According to the blog, users may retain subscription data by using Google Takeout. Google Takeout will download the following information from your Google Reader in JSON files: list of the people you follow, list of the people who follow you, and items that you have starred, liked, and shared.  Items shared by people you follow, notes that you have created, and items with comments will also be downloaded.


There are several alternatives to Google Reader, but I have been using Feedly for quite a while and I am very satisfied. Feedly is a very friendly and easy to use  reader and it formats your feeds like a website (see figure above). » Read more

62 Interactive Math Activities and Games at Flashmath

Flashmaths is a web resource for elementary and middle school students who want to do math activities and play games. The site contains some good Flash-based interactive activities and games with varying difficulties. These activities and games may help improve students’ mathematical skills.

math activities

One activity I like in particular is the Angle Estimator activity where users can move the slider to estimate the angle shown.  The average error is then calculated. The user with the smallest Average Error is the best estimator.

14 Useful Sites on Paper Folding Instructions and Origami Tutorials

Origami is the art of paper folding which originated in Japan in the 17th century. It  is now very popular even outside Japan. The term comes from the Japanese word ori meaning “folding” and gami (kami) meaning “paper.”

origami tutorials

There is a rich connection between origami and mathematics (read Origamics: Mathematical Explorations Through Paper Folding). Learning the art could be fun and rewarding at the same time. For teachers, it is one of the ways of integrating practical work in teaching mathematics. 

If you want to learn about origami, the sites below contain general information about origami and other paper folding techniques including kirigami.  » Read more

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