Divisibility by 4

This is the second post in the Divisibility Rules Series. In the last post, we discussed about divisibility by 2. In this post, we discuss divisibility by 4.

Now, how do we know if a number is divisible by 4?

Four divides 100 because 4 \times 25 = 100. It is also clear that four divides 200, 300, 400 and all multiples of 100. Therefore, four divides multiples of 1000, 10 000, and 100 000. In general, 4 divides 10^n, where n is an integer greater than 1.

Now, how do we know if a number that is not a power of 10 is divisible by 4. Let us try a few examples.

Example 1: Is 148 divisible by 4? 148 is equal to 100 + 48 and 100 is divisible by 4. Since 48 is also divisible by 4, therefore, 148 id divisible by 4.

Example 2: Is 362 divisible by 4? 362 is equal to 300 + 62. Now, 300 is divisible by 4. Since 62 is not divisible by 4, therefore, 362 is not divisible by 4.

Example 3: Is 3426 divisible by 4? 3426 = 3400 + 26. Now, 3400 is divisible by 4 (it’s a multiple of 100), and 26 is not divisible by 4. Therefore, 3426 is not divisible by 4.

By now, you would have realized that we just test the last 2 digits of the numbers if we want to find out if it is divisible by 4: 148, 362, and 3426. » Read more

A Brief History of Mathematics

BBC radio invited Professor Marcus du Sautoy to discuss about history of mathematics in the mini-series titled “A Brief History of Mathematics” and podcasts of the series are available for download.

The series contains 10 episodes of 15-minute talks about well-known mathematicians, their lives, and their contributions that changed the world.

Click here to download podcasts from BBC website or here to download podcasts from Itunes.

H/T: Great Maths Teaching Ideas

The Divisibility Rules Series

The Divisibility Rules Series. In this series, we discuss the different divisibility rules. We discuss the reasons and proofs behind the rules.

  1. Divisibility by 2
  2. Divisibility by 4
  3. Divisibility by 5 and 10
  4. Divisibility by 3
  5. Divisibility by 6
  6. Divisibility by 7
  7. Divisibility by 8
  8. Divisibility by 9
  9. Divisibility by 11
  10. Divisibility by 12


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