5 Free Math Software For Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Years ago, I met a Japanese professor who eventually became my adviser during my one and a half year stay in Japan.  CRICED, the institute he was working also develops mathematics software in elementary and secondary schools. Below are 5 of the math software that they have developed.

1.) Grapes – a graphing software that allows users to draw most functions discussed in the secondary curriculum.

2.) Geometric Constructor –  a dynamic geometry software for teaching and learning geometry. Allows users to publish contents on the web.

3.) DbookPro – a tool for developing digital textbook. This can be done by scanning textbooks and or importing textbooks images. I have written two manuals of dbook (basic and advanced) and you can view the sample output of a dbook here.  You can download dbookPro here.

4.) Geometry Construction Language (GCL) Editor – an xml-based software used for creating educational materials in Flash.

5.) DGraph – Used for making and editing graphs from data and equation.

I have only tried 2 of these software (dbookPro and Grapes), but you might want to explore all of them.

Explore Solids with Archimedean

Archimedean is great geometric tool I discovered recently via the Facebook page of GeoGebra.  It is a tool for exploring polyhedral shapes. It is capable of transforming (e.g. truncating the solid’s corners or edges), and analyzing (e.g. showing the lines of symmetry or inscribed radius). Archimedean also allows the user to change the colors and other propoerties of the investigated solids.

Archimedean was created by Raffi J. Kasparian. It is very similar to Poly, another software for investigating solids.

The Peanut Math Software Package

If you have enjoyed learning GeoGebra, Compass and Ruler, Geometer’s Sketchpad, and Wolfram Alpha, and other  free math software, you might want to check out the Peanut Math Software package from Philip Exeter University. Some software included in the package also include games and puzzles. The package includes the following software:

  • Wingeom –  for high-precision geometric constructions in both two and three dimensions
  • Winplot – a general-purpose plotting utility, which can draw (and animate) curves and surfaces presented in a variety of formats.
  • Winstats – provides access to scatter plots, curve fitting, histograms, statistical data, and standard theoretical probability distributions. It performs many statistical tests and calculates confidence intervals. It simulates dealing cards, rolling dice, sampling candy, taking random walks, and tossing darts, needles and coins
  • Winarc – a collection of game subprograms, currently including Life, Krypto, Boxes, Hex, Rubik, Mazes, Pegs, Bishops, the Loyd 15 puzzle, Spaceship, and Sudoku
  • Winfeed –  a fractal exploration program. It allows the user to explore functional iteration, including Mandelbrot and Julia sets, ferns and snowflakes, web and bifurcation diagrams, and more.
  • Windisc – a collection of subprograms that deal with discrete-math topics such as apportionment, voting power, voting methods, bin-packing, and network analysis (traveling salesman problem, map-coloring, etc).
  • Winmat –  allows the user to calculate and edit matrices, and solve standard linear algebra problems. The program operates in real, complex, and integer mode.
  • Wincalc – allows the user to calculate integers with millions of digits.
  • Winwordy –  a collection of word puzzles.
All the software mentioned above are distributed for free.
*All the description of the software are taken from the website. 
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