Math Word Problems: Solving Motion Problems Part 3

This is the third part of the Motion Word Problem Series, a subseries of the Mathematics Word Problem Solving Series. The first part discusses about the basic concepts of rate, time, and distance. The second part discusses objects traveling in opposite direction and objects traveling toward each other.

Porsche 959

In this post, we discuss about objects traveling on the same direction. » Read more

Math Word Problems: Solving Motion Problems Part 2

This is the second part of the Solving Motion Problems Series, a part of the Math Word Problem Solving Series. In the first part, we have learned that d = rt, where d is the distance traveled by an object, r is the rate, and t is the time.

Train ride from Cape Town to Simons Town

In this post, we discuss the two common types of motion problems: two objects traveling to opposite directions and two objects traveling toward each other. » Read more

Motion and Graphs: A Calculus Primer

As I have stated in the introduction to Solving Motion Problems, a moving object discussed in elementary and middle schools are usually assumed to be at a constant speed. For example, a car traveling at 65 kilometers per hour is assumed to travel at the said speed the whole time. Of course, this is not what happens in reality. The car speeds up, slows down, or stops at times.

motion graphs

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The graphs of two cars traveling at different speeds (kilometers per hour) are shown above. Car A is traveling at a  constant speed from 2:00 to 3:00 as shown in the first graph. Since the speed is constant, the graph is a horizontal line. The graph of the accelerating Car B is shown on the right. The car is accelerating, so the graph curves upward as it goes to the right. » Read more

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