June 2011 Week 2 Summary
Here is the summary of posts for the second week of June 2011.
1.) Mathematics and Multimedia
- Some thoughts on Teaching Math using Wolfram Alpha in teaching math
- GeoGebra 4.0 Sneak Peek 3: The New Text Tool
- How to add a ‘Follow Me on Twitter Button’ to your blog
- The Top 10 Ipod Touch Apps to Use in Math
- 101 Blog Tips 3: Blog Structure and Design Tips
- Experimental and Theoretical Probability 5
2.) GeoGebra Applet Central – my blog collecting GeoGebra applets. The blog is open for collaborators. Email me at mathandmultimedia@gmail.com if you are interested to join.
The School of Freebies is back on its original URL at Blogspot. The new feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/SchoolOfFreebies.
I hope you have enjoyed reading.