Guest Post: Vedic Mathematics – Squaring Numbers 1
When any number is multiplied by itself , the result obtained is known as the square of that number. In Vedic Mathematics following methods are used for calculation of squares : Ekadhika Method, Yavadunam Method, Duplex Method, and Anurupyena Method. I have written about Ekadhika Method in my blog, but here, we will discuss Yavadunam method of squaring. Other methods will be discussed in the next posts.
Yavadunam Method
This method is used for squaring the numbers which are near some base. The method can be extended to other numbers which are not near base by using sub-base. The sub-formula “Yavadunam Tavdunikritya Vargamcha Yojayet” actually means – whatever the extent of the deficiency of a number from base , lessen it to the same extent and set up the square of the deficiency.
It can also be applied to excess and in this case , this excess is to be added to same extent followed by setting up the square of excess. Hence in general this mean – whatever the deviation , increase the number by that deviation and suffix the square of the deviation.
Thus squaring of numbers near the base involves two steps:
First, divide the answer into two parts, the LHS and the RHS part. The LHS part of answer is number plus deviation. The deviation may be positive or negative depending on whether the number is more or less than the base respectively. » Read more