June 2011 Week 1 Summary

Hi everyone. Here is the summary of posts on our first week in a new server.

  1. GeoGebra 4.0 Sneak Peek 2: Graphical User Interface
  2. Sreenr: An excellent screencasting website
  3. Simon’s Factoring Trick
  4. 101 Blogging Tips: Things to do during the early stage of blogging
  5. Regular Tessellations: Why only three of them?

You may want also to look at the recent GeoGebra applets at GeoGebra Applet Central:

  1. Polygons with equal area
  2. Triangles and Quadrilaterals
  3. Pythagorean Theorem Proof
  4. The GeoGebra Ferriswheel

The Math and Multimedia Carnival is on its 12th edition and will be hosted by the Mathematics for Teaching Blog. If you have a blog about K-12 Mathematics, or about mathematics teaching, you may want to submit your articles to the carnival. Submitting articles to the carnivals will expose your blog to more readers.

That’s all for this week. Have a BLESSED weekend. šŸ™‚

Regular Tessellations: Why only three of them?

In Tessellations: The Mathematics of Tiling post, we have learnedĀ that there are only three regular polygons that can tessellate the plane: squares, equilateral triangles, and regular hexagons. InĀ Figure 1, we can see why this is so. The angle sum of the interior angles Ā of the regular polygons meeting at a point add up to 360 degrees.

Figure 1 – Tessellating regular polygons.

Looking at the other regular polygons as shown in Figure 2, we can see clearly why the polygons cannot tessellate. The sums of the interior angles are either greater than or less than 360 degrees. » Read more

101 Blog Tips Part 2: Things to do during the early stage of blogging

In the previous blog tips post, I have given you 7 tipsĀ onĀ what to consider and what to do before starting a blog. By now I assume that you have already decided what topic to write about, and you have chosen what blogging platform to use. Now, let us talk about what to do during the early stage of blogging. When I say early stage, I mean during the first three to four months.

Tobias Typing

Before we begin the discussion, let me reiterate that the golden rule of blogging is to 8write quality and original content. Even if you follow all the tips that I am going to discuss here and in future posts, if the quality of your content is poor, it is more likely that your readers will not come back, and they will definitely not recommend your blog.

The following are the things that would recommend to do during the early stage of blogging.

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