More than 20000 Free GeoGebra Applets

If you know any collection that is not listed here, please inform me using the comment box below.

GeoGebraTube: More than 12000 applets and counting

GeoGebraTube, the official applet repository site of GeoGebra, has now more than 12000 GeoGebra applets after a year it has gone live — thanks to GeoGebraists all over the world.

Applets in GeoGebraTube can be downloaded (including the GGB file), embedded in blogs or websites, or shared to colleagues and friends using social media sites.

Recently, the site has also allowed Google, Facebook, and Twitter login making it even more accessible to a lot of users. Of course,  the old GeoGebra Forum login name and password can still be used.

Note: The image in this post is in my banner. This is probably a WordPress bug.

May 2011 Week 4 Summary and more …

Math and Multimedia is now on a new server — thanks to Hew, WordPress  Happiness Engineer, for transferring the blog.

I. We have a new email subscription box at the right courtesy of Google’s Feedburner. Your emails have been transferred to the Feedburner database.You can also follow Math and Multimedia using Facebook by Liking it in the Facebook Like box at the right.

II.  Here is our May 2011 Week 4  List of Posts for Math and Multimedia:

  1. Experimental and Theoretical Probability Part 4
  2. Introduction to Vedic Mathematics
  3. Intersections of Planes with Google Sketchup
  4. Calculus 1 Video Lectures
  5. Platonic Solids: Why only five of them? » Read more