Notable Posts in Elementary School Mathematics

Mathematics and Multimedia has grown extensively since I first created in 2009, and honestly, I have stopped updated the pages or have created categories. There are many interesting posts that have been buried in this blog. Therefore, I will slowly post these categories in the days to come.

As part of this long term goal, I am now creating a list of topics under one category and create them as posts. This way, it will be easier for you to navigate them later. This is the first among these category posts.

In this post, I am going to share to you my notable posts in Elementary School Mathematics.

Area Derivation Series

I hope you enjoy these posts.

How Mathematics is Used In Pixar

If you find your students asking when will they use mathematics in their life, then maybe you can answer them that they might want to be an animator or graphics artist at Pixar. 🙂 Pixar is one of the of the most popular animation studios in the world. It is the producer of Toy Story, Bug’s Life, Monsters, Finding Nemo, Brave and more.

Pixar uses a bunch of mathematics in making these animations. In the 7-minute video below, Tony Derose from Pixar explains how middle school and high school mathematics such as coordinate geometry and the concept of midpoints are used in Pixar animations. Watch the video and be amazed.

H/T: Great Math’s Teaching Ideas

10 Tips in Studying School Mathematics

I came across with this  presentation by Fiona Jostsons last Sunday. She discusses some tips in studying and ensuring success in school mathematics. I think these practical tips will help students improve their study habits.
View more PowerPoint from Fiona Jostsons
Ms. Jostons has a more detailed elaboration of the tips here.