Military drills and the closure property of real numbers

In military drills, we are familiar with the commands that let the soldiers face or turn to certain directions. Left face (sometimes called left turn), right face, and about face are probably the most common commands used. If we are facing north, a left face would mean turning left 90 degrees, which means facing west. In the following discussion, we will agree that our starting position is  facing north. We will call this position, the standard position.

Let us represent the turns with letters:A for about face, R for right face, and L for left face. Notice that whatever combination of turns we do, LR or A, the result is confined to the four directions. An R followed by an A is equivalent to an L (facing west) with respect to the standard position. Likewise an L followed by another L is equivalent to A.We will to denote our starting position P as reference; it is  not turn command, so if the soldier is not facing north (see second figure), a  P will just mean that the soldiers remain in their current position. » Read more

Blog Carnival 9 Deadline of Submission

The Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival is on its ninth edition and will be hosted by Virtual Math Tutor . It will be posted on Monday, March 28, 2011. The deadline of submission is on SaturdayMarch 26, 2011. You may submit your articles here.

To increase the chance of your article of being published, read the Mathematics and Multimedia Carnival’s Criteria for Selection of Articles. If you missed the previous carnival posts and the latest carnivals, click the links below:

You may also want to read the following posts:

  1. If you don’t about blog carnivals, you may want to read What is a Blog Carnival?
  2. If you are intrested to host the Mathematics and Multimedia Carnival, and have no idea how to go about it, read How to Host a Blog Carnival. Hosting a Blog carnival will definitely popularize your blog.
  3. If you are interested about great articles, read the  Complete List of Let’s Play Math Carnival Posts.

If you are interested to host the math carnival, you can email me here

My new blog: School of Freebies

I and my colleagues (this includes science and IT teachers and trainers) are using a lot of free resources on the internet and many of them are non-mathematics.  Since this blog is only limited to sharing math-related resources, I have created another blog  called School of Freebies, where I will include non-mathematics resources and software.  I have only created a couple of posts and have included some posts from Mathematics and Multimedia.

In School of Freebies, everything you will about learn is free.

Although I might share anything free, my concentration are resources on teaching, learning, and Web 2.0 tools.

If you find people that might be interested, please share it.

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