WordPress Blogging Tutorial 2 – Typing Your First Blog Draft

Before we post our first blog, let us first familiarize ourselves with the environment of WordPress. The Dashboard (Figure 1) is the environment where we will always work . The Right Now panel contains the number of Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags, and Themes. The QuickPress panel will enable us to publish short posts quickly.

Figure 1

Below the window are different panels: Recent Comments, Recent Drafts, Stats and others. Do not be overwhelmed by these panels; we will use each of them as we go on. For now, we will concentrate on the basics. Try to familiarize yourself with the environment.

In our first post, we will copy the post Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem in my cousin’s blog Polymath Central (Figure 2).  As we can see, we will need the two pictures of right triangles. You can go to the blog and download them before proceeding. Those pictures came from one of my posts; you are permitted to use them in your blog for the sake of this tutorial. Of course, you can create your own first blog if you wish. » Read more

Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival #3

Welcome the third edition of the Mathematics and Multimedia blog Carnival. This will be the last edition that I will be hosting this year. The fourth edition  will be hosted by Wild About Math!.

Before we begin, let’s have some interesting trivia about the number three. » Read more

Math and Multimedia Carnival Criteria for Selection of Articles

The Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival is now accepting articles  for the next issue. Although any math article might be accepted, below are the Revised Criteria for Blog Carnival Selection.  This will be characteristics of the articles that will be prioritized.  Articles with no links are done, but not yet posted.

1. Connection between and among different mathematical concepts

2. Connections between math and real life; use of real-life contexts to explain mathematical concepts

3. Clear and intuitive explanation of topics not discussed intextbooks, hard to understand, or  difficult to teach

4. Proofs of mathematical theorems in which the difficulty of the explanation is accessible to high school students

5. Intuitive explanation of higher math topics, in which the difficulty is accessible to high school students

6. Software introduction, review or tutorials

  1. Investigating Polyhedrons with Poly
  2. GeoGebra Tutorial Series

7. Integration of technology (Web 2.0, Teaching 2.0, Classroom 2.0), in teaching mathematics

  1. Using Google Sketchup in Teaching Mathematics
  2. Use of Google Docs  in Teaching Mathematics.

Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival is still in its infancy, so please help spread the word about it. I would appreciate if bloggers who has benefitted from Mathematics and Multimedia, especially those whose article was accepted in the previous carnival, would announce it in their blogs.

To submit article the Math and Multimedia Blog Carnival, click  here.

The Math Teachers at Play Carnival and Carnival of Mathematics are also accepting math articles for their carnivals. Please do not duplicate submissions.

Erlina Ronda of Keeping Mathematics Simple will host the Mathematics and Multimedia blog carnival special edition on December 2010.  Her topic will be on Teaching Algebra Concepts. You can email her to submit in advance.

Photos: Wikipedia Concept Map by juhansonin, Mandelbrot Julia Section by Arenamontanus

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